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Celebrate the most renowned scientist’s birthday with a slice of Pi – to the face! March14 is π (Pi) Day and it’s also Albert Einstein’s birthday! Children’s Museum Houston is where the original, international π (Pi) Day sensation started exactly two decades ago, and it has caught on ever since! Come celebrate the infinite, non-repeating number 3.14… and watch as we shut down our street to battle it out in a messy, Pi(e)-induced frenzy. Have a piece of π!
Pi Day Pi(e) Fight: Join us for our 20th Annual Pi Day Pi(e) Fight as the Blueberry Blasts face off against Pumpkin Power in a wild showdown to celebrate the math magic of 3.14!
Xtreme Science Demo Show: Grab your goggles and get ready for some serious mind-blowing science featuring Mentos geysers, liquid nitrogen, and elephant toothpaste!
Make a Mentos Geyser: Get ready for a splash of fun on Pi Day as you set off a fizzy explosion for a unique and exciting photo opp!
Mad About Hoops: Heads will spin with this spectacular hula hooping spectacle.
Pudding Pies: Indulge in a delicious Pi Day treat with pudding pies, featuring layers of Nilla wafer, creamy pudding, and whipped cream for a sweet, math-inspired snack!
***Activities, events and times subject to change.